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- WATCH-IT - Picture Viewer for Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon030 Version 1.0a
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Author : Stefan Bock
- email : sbock@informatik.uni-kl.de
- WATCH-IT is Freeware. That means that you may feel free to give copies to
- your friends (and enemies), as long as:
- - you do not change the program or this text
- - you always copy both program and text
- - you do not copy it for commercial purposes (that includes PD-libraries,too)
- All rights are reserved by the author.
- 1. What is it ?
- ----------------
- WATCH-IT is a picture viewer for Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon030 computers.
- It was planned as a viewer for the new Falcon computer only, supporting
- the 256-colour-resolution and the truecolour-resolution, but as it is a plain
- GEM-program, you can also start it on the "old" Ataris as well.
- WATCH-IT runs on all memory-configurations, but 512 KByte may be too small
- for big pictures.
- 2. How to start it
- -------------------
- There are three ways to run the program:
- i) application : if you start WATCH-IT as an application, a file selector
- will appear. Choose a picture file here (at the moment,
- only GIF is supported, others will follow soon).
- Once the file is loaded, depacked and transformed into a
- bitmap, it will be displayed in a window.
- ii) commandline : starting the program from a shell or from the desktop with
- one or more filenames as arguments will load all specified
- files as long as
- - there are AES-windows left,
- - there is enough memory left and
- - the internal limit of 32 windows is not exceeded.
- WATCH-IT uses ARGV for extended commandlines.
- iii) accessory : clicking on the menu entry will give you the file-selector
- where you can choose a picture (see i) ).
- 3. How to operate it
- ---------------------
- - You can move and size the window as usual and scroll the picture with the
- sliders if it is bigger than the window.
- If you move the mouse over the window and the picture can be scrolled, the
- arrow will change into a sort of cross-cursor which indicates the
- directions the picture can be scrolled to (play around with this, it's easy).
- Now press and hold the left mouse-button. The picture can be scrolled by
- moving the mouse until the left button is released again.
- - Cursor keys scroll the picture, too, and SHIFT+<cursor key> scrolls a page
- at a time.
- - A double-click on the picture or pressing <CONTROL>-I or <TAB> gives you
- an information-window:
- Here you find the width, height and palette size of the picture, the time
- it took WATCH-IT to process the picture (including loading-time) and the
- amount of RAM it uses.
- Note that WATCH-IT uses some bufferspace during depacking and dithering,
- so this displayed amount is smaller than the memory you need to process
- the picture.
- You will also find four buttons labeled "Greyscale", "Colour", "No dither"
- and "FS-Dither". These are not selectable in this release, sorry, but
- definitely will be in the next version, so you can choose your favourite
- display-mode here. At the moment, a default mode is choosen depending on
- the resolution (see below).
- - Pressing HELP reveals a help window.
- Click on "OK" or press <RETURN> to close this window.
- - Click on "LOAD" in the info/help-window or press <CONTROL>-O to load
- another picture. In accessory-mode clicking on the menu-entry has the same
- effect.
- - Press <CONTROL>-W to cycle through all open windows.
- - Press <CONTROL>-U to close the actual window or
- <CONTROL>-Q to close all windows (when the program has been started
- as an application, this means "Quit")
- 4. The picture format(s)
- ------------------------
- At the moment this is only GIF format, but others will follow.
- If you have suggestions about what formats should be supported, please contact
- the author (format descriptions are welcome, too).
- GIF-formats 87a and 89a can be loaded, even though WATCH-IT only inter-
- pretes the main picture data. I never came across a GIF-file with more
- than one picture in it, but if you have such pictures which you cannot
- display properly with WATCH-IT, tell me, perhaps i can change it.
- "The Graphics Interchange Format(c) is the Copyright property of
- CompuServe Incorporated. GIF(sm) is a Service Mark property of
- CompuServe Incorporated."
- 5. The display modes
- ---------------------
- As mentioned earlier, WATCH-IT was written for the "Falcon resolutions",
- and pictures will definitely look best in these resolutions. Nevertheless
- I included dither-algorithms for monochrome and 16-colour-modes, too.
- Some more dither algorithms and greyscale modes are already finished, but
- didn't make it into this first release version, sorry.
- Note that pictures have to be processed in device-independant format and
- then transformed into the device-dependant format, this will take a little
- bit more time than writing the data directly into screen-memory, but is
- unavoidable in a GEM-program. On the other hand WATCH-IT will (at least it
- should :-)) run on all resolutions. If WATCH-IT does not run on your graphic-
- card, please let me know.
- i) Truecolour-mode:
- This mode has only been tested on the Falcons truecolour-mode. It should
- run on all resolutions with a device-independant format containing 16
- planes, but i have no information about how RGB-values are coded on
- other graphic-cards (they _should_ do it like the falcon, otherwise
- the format would not be very device-independant, huh ?).
- You can have multiple pictures at the same time each one having its
- correct palette.
- Hey, this is so great, if you don't have a FALCON, get one :-) !
- ii) 256-colour-mode:
- This mode is used on resolutions with 8 planes, e.g. Falcon or TT-LOW.
- The picture will be displayed without dithering.
- Anyway, WATCH-IT never uses VDI-colours 0 to 15, since these colours
- should be fixed for all applications. Instead, WATCH-IT shuffles around
- the colours and substitutes similiar ones so that the VDI-colours don't
- have to be used.
- Note that the palette can only be correct for the topped window, other
- pictures may look quite strange. Simply top the window you wish to look at
- and the correct palette is used.
- By the way, pictures look a little bit like "widescreen" cinema on
- TT-LOW. The reason is the strange pixel ratio on this resolution
- (320 x 480). This may be fixed in future releases.
- iii) 16-colour-mode:
- This mode is used on resolutions with 4 planes, e.g. TT-MID or ST-LOW.
- It is the most time-consuming mode, since reducing 256 colours to 16
- colours is not that easy. A special dither-algorithm is used (3 Floyd-
- Steinberg-passes) so that all pictures can use the same palette, that
- means you can have multiple windows which all look correct at the same
- time).
- Pictures look best when viewed from some distance from the screen.
- There are other possibilities to reduce the colours. An often used method
- is to choose the 16 most used colours. This is definitely faster than
- dithering, but in my opinion often has too poor results.
- If you know better methods, please tell me !
- Anyway, a 16 greyscale-mode will be included in future releases.
- iv) Monochrome-mode:
- If none of the above modes can be used (e.g. on ST-HIGH, ST-MID or
- TT-HIGH), WATCH-IT will switch to monochrome-mode.
- The picture is dithered with Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion and
- displayed in VDI-colours 0 and 1. This normally means black and white,
- but of course you can change this with the control panel (feel like
- Andy Warhol!) .
- 6. WATCH-IT and MultiTos
- -------------------------
- WATCH-IT runs under MultiTos, even though it can't handle it's own windows
- during depacking and dithering. This is so because depacker and plotter
- are written in highly optimized assembler and calling aes-functions
- during depack would slow down the whole thing significantly.
- However other applications can run during WATCH-IT does its work.
- I consider writing a special MultiTos version which forks the depacker
- and ditherer so that they can run in the background while WATCH-IT-windows
- can still be moved.
- Any ideas about this (except from integrating the depacker into the
- event-loop which i definitely won't do !) are welcome !
- Under MultiTos, no busy-bee is shown as this would be senseless in a
- multitasking environment.
- The help and info-dialog are shown in windows, so dialog-boxes won't block
- the system.
- 7. Error messages
- ------------------
- Out of AES-windows : Close some windows and try again or get MultiTos
- Max. 32 windows allowed : This is the current limit.
- Read error in header,
- palette or image : The picture file is corrupted, you can try to
- load it anyway (press "Yes" in the "proceed ?" -
- alertbox), but the picture may look strange.
- 8. Disclaimer
- --------------
- I really don't know how this program could harm you or your computer, but:
- The author makes no warranties of quality or performance for this program.
- Use it at your own risk !
- 9. Feedback
- ------------
- If you
- - have found bugs,
- - don't like the user interface,
- - can't get the program to work at all,
- - have good ideas how to improve this program,
- - or just want to say a few words concerning this program,
- contact me via email: sbock@informatik.uni-kl.de
- (this address will only be valid until end of
- september 1992)
- or in IRC (nickname : Robo).
- Enjoy !